Luxor, the Capital of World Tourism hosts the UNWTO Executive Council

The magic at UNWTO continues. After a successful and truly impressive conference in Petra, Jordan, the capital of world tourism moved to Luxor in Egypt this week.

The 104th session of the Executive Council for the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) is meeting at a critical time for Egypt in the next 3 days.

“This is no accident, that we meet in Egypt”, UNWTO secretary General Taleb Rifai told the audience.

Hosted at the Sonesta St. George Hotel in Luxor facing the Nule, the opening dances, delicious food and a pleasant  breath made this Sunday night perfect.  Sailing boats going back and forth to enhance the picture perfect scene. UNWTO secretary General Taleb Rifai continued to say while pointing across the river to the West Bank of the city:”Your Excellencies, this is not Hollywood, this the real thing. This is where its all began.”

Tourism in Egypt will be back and is recovering already. Egypt and tourism is connected. A dedicated, sophisticated and trained travel industry is doing whatever it takes to showcase Egypt as a  special and a safe place  to visit.  Visitors will see thousands of years of preserved history to the world. Egypt is a perfect combination with Jordan. Petra and Luxor should be sister cities and visited on one trip. It’s a perfect combination.

Taleb Rifai appealed to visiting ministers, delegates, and press:”Visit people at their home, experience this country. Don’t just go to the conference, go out and explore.”

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The official sessions will start on Monday. It’s expected the secretary General will make an announcement to not run again to continue his position after the General Session in China in 2017. So far  the only candidate and very active lobbying for well deserved support is the Hon. Walter Mzembi, Minister of Tourism for Zimbabwe.